Day 61 of the Artistic Spirit Pledge

111 Day Artistic Spirit Pledge: Spiritual Growth Through Creative Expression

Day 61: Creativity Prompt #9

It’s not personal; it’s just business.

Do you agree or disagree with the above statement? How does it affect you on a creative level? Use your artistic skills (painting, writing, baking, sewing, etc.) to best represent the above.

Is business personal?
Is business personal?

*I’m a week behind on posting my CREATIVITY PROMPT result, so this Monday I’ll post two – the marathon one from last week and today’s prompt.*


**I am an Artistic Spirit! For most of my life I’ve used the creative arts as a source of spiritual exploration and healing, even though I didn’t always do so consciously. Sometimes I was the instrument creating the art and other times I was on the receiving end. The connection between art and spirituality is so significant in my life that it’s infused into everything I do. I love music, theatre, television drama series (daytime and primetime), and creative writing and find fulfillment in artistic expression of various sorts: singing, acting, and jewelry design. Throughout the next 50 days, I’ll delve into how all of the above strengthens my spirit and has saved my life on more than one occasion.**

Published by Kelly Deeny

I am a writer, singer, jewelry designer, and theatre enthusiast. I use various forms of artistic expression for personal reflection, community discussion and creative inspiration. My premiere novel encapsulates all of the above. Follow along on my journey towards an artistic career!

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