
As to who I am…I am a writer.  But I’m also a singer, a theatre aficionado, a movie buff, a T.V. fan and a daytime drama supporter.  You could say that I am an entertainment girl at heart.  I thoroughly enjoy all forms of artistic expression, especially when there’s a story to tell.

What started as a need to put my teenage emotions into context quickly shifted from journaling to screenwriting thanks to a love of Shakespeare and the daytime drama industry.  I’d take characters, storylines, or plot ideas from my favorite shows and either re-tell a story the way in which I THOUGHT it should happen or project ahead and guess where a certain storyline would go.  While what I was creating is now dubbed fan fiction or spec scripts for those TV-writers-in-waiting, I just called them “skits” for lack of a better term.

In the past two decades, I’ve completed a full-length play, pieces of various screenplay ideas and numerous personal essays.  I find that I’m drawn to using dialogue as a primary way to convey a story.  Life’s a conversation and we, as the characters creating the plot, are the ones progressing the story along.

The culmination of all my writing finally took form in a Young Adult novel, a blend of fairy tale, genealogy, and the creative arts.  What started as a writing prompt from my local writers’ group turned into a story that held my attention, pulled me to continue, and created inspiration and excitement to see this venture through.  I am journeying on towards the next phase of this author’s life as I turn the completed content into a published work.

It’s my sincere hope that my writing spurs thoughtful discussion, inspires individual creativity, and motivates others to continue their own dialogue.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Yay, a writer! 😀 I have a question, if you don’t mind answering. I have an idea for a novel, and I’d like to write it but the synopsis is not as outstanding as I’d like it it to be. Should I wait until I get a better idea or write anyways?

    1. First of all, thanks for commenting! That is a great question. I am a firm believer in writing even though the story ideas may not be clear. Start with one idea, scene, or character and just write whatever comes to mind. After all, if you aren’t invested in the story, why should we. Keep writing!

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