Writing Prompt Wednesday: On Your Own


What does the image above inspire you to create? Write a short story, poem, song, essay, or piece of fan fiction. Let your imagination take hold without second-guessing where the words will take you.

I’d love to read the finished works, so please comment below and share the link to your blog or website.  If you don’t have either of those, tell me about your experience.  What style of writing did you choose?  Did you start in one direction and the story end up somewhere completely different?

Please use the hashtag #WritingPromptWednesday on social media sites to connect with others who are doing the prompts.

Published by Kelly Deeny

I am a writer, singer, jewelry designer, and theatre enthusiast. I use various forms of artistic expression for personal reflection, community discussion and creative inspiration. My premiere novel encapsulates all of the above. Follow along on my journey towards an artistic career!

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